"What lights you up?" This is probably the question I ask my clients (and myself) more than any other question.
Is what you are doing in life right now bringing you joy, fulfilment, and satisfaction?
Or do you feel stuck, like you’re living groundhog day or that you’re flatlining?
If the answer is one of the latter then you are probably not living your true purpose and doing what lights you up (I know because I’ve been there).
Here’s the thing:
When you ask people ‘what is your purpose in life’? most (about 80%) will have never actually articulated what their purpose is, or have ever really thought deeply about it.
My question is:
How can you work towards a way of being in life if you’ve never defined what that way of being is?
For many, the words ‘life purpose’ conjures up ideas of ‘big things’ you do in life to change the world; some external achievement or something you spend your life striving to reach.
In my opinion, your life purpose is how you choose to live every day so you feel aligned with those things you value most in life.
You have been given a set of gifts and talents that are completely unique to you – this is your true essence. Unfortunately, our own beliefs thought patterns and fears can squash our truth and make us forget what we have to offer the world. I invite you to rediscover your unique gifts, the things that light you up and inspire you in life. Ask yourself ‘how can I serve others by doing what I love and what comes naturally to me’? In my opinion, to truly live on purpose, and to find what lights us up, we need to be of service to others.
Here are some examples of one’s life true purpose:
- Being a loving, connected mother and partner, whilst nourishing my family with wisdom, food, and love so that they grow into grounded, good human beings. (YES being a parent can be your purpose)
- Sharing my creativity with the world to bring inspiration and joy to others and myself, while also feeling connected and present with those I love most.
- Being an inspirational leader who travels the world bringing positive social change. Feeling connected to my true self and experiencing joy, love, and fulfilment in everything I do.
A big part of the work I do is to help people get clear on what lights them up.
We discover how to find and define what their true purpose is in life, then we design their life around this.
If this speaks to you then feel free to get in touch for a FREE 30-minute introductory session ➡
The other week I shared a Facebook Live about purpose, my journey and some tips on how you start to discover yours.
If would want to hear more about finding your purpose, living on purpose and designing a life you love, feel free to JOIN ME on this Private Facebook group where I will be sharing more on this topic.