
The Compassionate Mid-Year Review: How to Rise for the Rest of the Year

Jul 05, 2024
The Compassionate Mid-Year Review How to Rise for the Rest of the Year



As I’m writing to you today, I’m looking out at the cloudless blue winter sky and the glassy, millpond sea, taking in the big calm. We had our coldest morning and our first frost today—a crazy group of friends and I went for a swim before sunrise, and holy moly, it was nippy!

It is Matariki season here in New Zealand, Māori New Year, and many of us Kiwis are gazing at the stars (the Matariki Pleiades star cluster). Our family has been doing this around our fire at night or looking for the cluster at dawn.

In Māori culture, this is a time to reflect on what we have learned, contributed, and are grateful for. It is also a time to remember those who have passed, to celebrate the present, and to plan for the year ahead.

The Perfect Time for Reflection
In alignment with the Matariki season and our traditional calendar hitting just past the halfway point of the year, this is the ideal time for reflecting on where we have been and where we want to go. We get to decide: do we let our dreams and intentions slide, or do we reset our energy and realign with what truly matters to us?

Why a Mid-Year Review Matters
A mid-year review allows us to pause and reflect on the journey so far. It’s about recognizing both the hard parts and the successes, holding ourselves with the same compassion we’d offer a friend. This is not just about setting new goals; it’s about aligning with our deepest desires and being gentle with ourselves.

The Compassionate Approach
When we talk about a compassionate mid-year review, it means looking at the past six months with kindness. It's about understanding and accepting where we are, celebrating our wins, and acknowledging our challenges without judgment.

In my latest podcast episode, I dive into how to conduct a compassionate mid-year review that helps you realign and rise for the rest of the year. We’ll explore practical steps and reflective questions designed to guide you through this process with empathy and self-compassion.

I ask a lot of questions for you to ponder in this one, so consider grabbing a notebook or some mental space to reflect.

Join the Conversation

  • Tune in to the podcast to learn more about:
  • How to review your progress with a kind heart.
  • The importance of reflecting on your experiences and feelings to date.
  • Realigning your goals and intentions to match your energetics.
  • Strategies to reset and refocus for the second half of the year.
  • How to lean into growth and rise to your potential.

This is your chance to reset and rise with renewed energy and intention. Let’s bring in alignment and flow for the rest of your year ahead.

PS: Have you joined our upcoming FREE masterclass on uncovering the real reasons you're not claiming the life you desire?

Come and join me to unlock your purpose and step into your potential.

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