
How to Journal

Oct 01, 2020
How to Journal

Research has shown that journal writing can have a positive impact on wellbeing and can help the brain overcome emotional upsets. One study from the University of Texas showed that journaling can strengthen the immune system and reduce stressors in the body.

Some of the benefits you may feel from journaling:

  •  Greater clarity – writing down our thoughts and feeling gives you the opportunity to unload all the things that are overwhelming you onto paper. This process can make you feel more in control of what you need to do and enable you to be better.
  • Emotional release and healing – at times you may feel frustrated, sad or angry at someone or something in your life. Writing your thoughts down can be a positive way to release these emotions and gain perspective. A new brain imaging study by UCLA psychologists revealed that verbalizing or writing down your feelings makes your sadness, anger, and pain less intense.
  • Makes our goals more achievable – by writing down your goals and dreams you are significantly more likely to achieve them. In one study conducted by the Dominican University in California, showed that those who wrote down their goals were 42% more likely to actualise them. When you think about your goals, you tap into imagination (right brain) and when you commit your goals you tap into logic (left brain). This combination connects with the sub-conscious and says I’m ready for action.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety – journal writing is a beneficial tool for reducing stress and anxiety. By writing down the things you are anxious about, you get to examine them clearly in your rational mind. In a study conducted at UCLA, brain scans on volunteers showed that putting feelings down on paper reduces activity in a part of the brain called the amygdala, which is responsible for controlling the intensity of our emotions (also known as our fear center).

How to Journal:

  1. Find a quiet, relaxing place where you are comfortable. If you are at home, maybe light a candle or burn some oils to help you feel relaxed.
  2. Take a few minutes to reconnect with yourself. Close your eyes and focus on your breath or simply count down slowly from 10 to 0.
  3. Enter the date of the journal entry and then free flow write about whatever comes up for you. Try not to think things through too much; just allow feelings and emotions to flow through your words. Try to be as uncensored as you can and don’t worry about your spelling or punctuation – only you will read your entries.
  4. Keep your journal somewhere private, where only you will find it. This will allow you to feel more freedom in your writing when you know it is only for your eyes.
  5. Take time to re-read your journal and see if you can discover any patterns or new learnings. Aim to journal daily for around 20 minutes.

A few ideas for what you can write about:

  • Intentions in your life
  • Affirmations
  • Things you want to manifest (write as if it is already true)
  • Emotions that are coming up around certain areas or people in your life
  • Gratitude
  • Affirmations (“I am” statements in a positive, present tense)
  • Things that are worrying you
  • Things on your to-do list/brain dump
  • Write a letter to someone (but you may choose not to send it)
  • Free flow write – allow your unconscious mind to write for you

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