$2,997.00 AUD

Byron Immersion Retreat Terms & Conditions

Payment Schedule and Cancellation Terms.

Pricing and Currency: All prices are quoted in Australian dollars.

Prices shown include all applicable taxes.

Payment: Participants agree to the specified payment schedule outlined at the time of registration.

Payments must be made by the deadlines specified in the payment schedule.

Cancellation Policy: Any cancellation must be communicated in writing via email to [email protected].

Refund Policy: In the event of a cancellation from you the client, refunds will be processed based on the following terms:

If a replacement participant is found, a full refund of the retreat cost will be issued. If a replacement is not found:

  • Cancellation made less than 90 days before the retreat starts: 50% of the total cost of the retreat.
  • Cancellation made less than 50 days before the retreat starts: 75% of the total cost of the retreat.
  • Cancellation made less than 40 days before the retreat starts: 100% of the total cost of the retreat.

Non-Transferable: Registration and payments are non-transferable to other individuals without prior written approval from Simone Denny Wellness.

Force Majeure: Simone Denny Wellness reserves the right to modify or cancel the retreat in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to natural disasters, government regulations, or other emergencies. In such cases, Simone Denny Wellness will make reasonable efforts to notify participants and may offer alternative arrangements or refunds at its discretion.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes related to payments or cancellations shall be resolved through mediation or arbitration, as specified in the dispute resolution section of these terms and conditions.

General terms

Health Requirements

Please ensure that you advise us of any health conditions and that you carry sufficient medication for any medical conditions.

Participants acknowledge that the retreat may involve physical and/or therapeutic activities that could pose potential risks to individuals with certain medical conditions. It is the responsibility of each participant to assess their own health and fitness level and consult with a qualified medical professional before participating in the retreat.

Participants with pre-existing medical conditions, including but not limited to cardiovascular issues, respiratory problems, mental health conditions, or any other health concerns, should inform Simone Denny Wellness in advance. Simone Denny Wellness shall not be held liable for any injury, illness, exacerbation of pre-existing conditions, or other health-related issues that may arise during or as a result of the retreat.

Participants are responsible for their own health and well-being during the retreat, and Simone Denny Wellness recommends consulting with a healthcare professional to ensure that participation in the retreat is suitable for the participant's individual health circumstances.

In the event of a medical emergency, Simone Denny Wellness will make reasonable efforts to secure medical attention for the participant, but participants understand that Simone Denny Wellness and its facilitators are not healthcare providers and do not assume any liability for medical care or decisions made by healthcare professionals.

By participating in the retreat, participants agree to release and hold harmless Simone Denny Wellness, its facilitators, and hosts from any and all liability, claims, actions, or expenses, including but not limited to legal fees, related to their health and participation in the retrea

Emergency Contact Details

We will ask you to provide the contact details of either a friend or family member in the event of an emergency.


The retreat will cover 4 days and 3 nights. We ask you respect the property througout the retreat.


The Byron Bay Retreat team completely respect attendee’s privacy and confidentiality is assured.


Unforeseen Cancellations and Liablities 

Simone Denny Wellness retains the right to cancel, modify, or reschedule the retreat or any of its components due to unforeseen circumstances such as acts of nature, government regulations, natural disasters, or emergencies. In such instances, Simone Denny Wellness is not liable for damages, losses, or expenses incurred by participants. Participants acknowledge that Simone Denny Wellness is not responsible for costs, including travel and accommodation fees, resulting from unforeseen cancellations. Efforts will be made to notify participants promptly, and potential refunds or alternative arrangements may be offered at the sole discretion of Simone Denny Wellness.

Simone Denny, its facilitators, and hosts are not liable for the loss, theft, damage to the property made by particpants or damage to personal property during the retreat.


Furthermore, Simone Denny, its facilitators, and hosts will not be liable for the loss of, theft, or damage to personal property during the retreat.

Injuries and Personal Welfare

Simone Denny Wellness shall not be held liableffor participants’ medical or psychiatric conditions that may develop during or subsequent to treatments, or for any damages, injuries, losses, or claims arising out of or in connection with the therapy sessions, teachings, or group activities conducted during the retreat. Participants voluntarily assume all risks and responsibilities associated with their participation in such activities and hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Simone Denny Wellness, its organizers, instructors, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, actions, or expenses, including but not limited to legal fees, arising out of or in connection with such activities.


Intellectual Property:

Ownership: All retreat materials are the exclusive property of Simone Denny Wellness.

Usage Restrictions: Participants may not copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, or create derivative works from any retreat materials.

Recording and Photography: Participants may not record sessions without prior written consent.

Participant Contributions: Participants grant Simone Denny Wellness the right to use their contributions for educational and promotional purposes.

Confidentiality: Participants must treat all retreat materials as confidential and may not disclose or use them for other purposes.

Governing Law

This agreement is governed by the laws of New Zealand. Any legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.

Compliance with Laws

Participants are expected to comply with all applicable local laws and regulations during the course of the retreat. Simone Denny Wellness assumes no responsibility for any participant's failure to adhere to such laws and regulations. Participants are advised to familiarize themselves with and abide by the local laws of the jurisdiction in which the retreat is held. Simone Denny Wellness reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to expulsion from the retreat, in the event of a participant's non-compliance with local laws and regulations.


Photography and Videos:

Consent: By participating in the retreat, participants grant Simone Denny Wellness permission to photograph, record, and use their likeness in promotional and educational materials related to the retreat.

Usage Rights: Simone Denny Wellness retains the right to use, reproduce, and distribute photographs and videos taken during the retreat for promotional, educational, and archival purposes.

Participant Rights: Participants have the right to request that specific images or videos featuring them not be used for promotional purposes. Such requests should be submitted in writing to Simone Denny Wellness

Release of Simone Denny Wellness from Liability: Simone Denny Wellness shall not be held liable for the use of any photographs or videos taken by participants during the retreat.


International Retreat Additional Terms


It is your responsibility to ensure that your passport is up to date and that you supply us with your name exactly as shown in the passport. You are required to have 6 months validity from the return date of your flight.

Travel Insurance

You must have travel insurance for this retreat. Please confirm the details of your insurance with us before departure. We recommend you book your insurance at the same time as you book your airline ticket.


Independent Legal Advice 

You can seek independent legal advice on these terms and contact us to negotiate changes or amendments to these conditions before proceeding with your order. If you don’t do so, we’ll take it that you’ve read, understood and agreed to be bound by these conditions and that you consider the conditions fair and reasonable and not against public policy.



We may make permitted variations to these conditions at any time by updating this document and giving notice to you by posting a copy on the Website, or otherwise notifying you in writing. The variations will take effect thirty (30) days after the date of posting. Your continued access and use of the Services will indicate your acceptance of the variations. 

Permitted variations will be limited to those reasonably required by us to protect our legitimate business interests and which do not seriously impact the benefit you receive under this Agreement.



If any part of these conditions is found to be void or unenforceable by a Court of competent jurisdiction, that part will be severed, and the rest of the Agreement will remain in force.



The rights of each party under this Agreement are personal. You may only assign, charge, transfer or otherwise encumber or dispose of any of their rights under this Agreement with our prior written consent, which can only be withheld on reasonable grounds. We may assign, charge, transfer or otherwise encumber or dispose of any of their rights under this Agreement on giving you notice in writing.


Entire Agreement 

The contents of this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior negotiations, representations, understandings or arrangements made between the parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, whether orally or in writing.



A party’s failure or delay to exercise a power or right does not operate as a waiver of that power or right. The exercise of a power or right does not preclude its future exercise or the exercise of any other power or right.



This Agreement commences on the date that it is accepted by you and will remain in force until each party has fulfilled their obligations under this Agreement unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement or general law.



We may terminate this Agreement at any time on thirty (30) days’ written notice to you. All disclaimers and limitations of liability will survive termination. Any accrued rights or remedies to which either party is entitled will not be affected.



As we’re based in  New Zealand, these conditions will be governed by the laws of that country. If we do end up in court, you agree that the non-exclusive venue for resolving any dispute will be in the courts of  New Zealand.

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What’s included 

  • 4 days of Teaching Coaching and IFS (Internal Family Systems) with Simone
  • 3 nights of luxurious accommodation
  • Nourishing locally sourced meals and treats
  • Arrival ceremony
  • Daily mediation and visualisations
  • Cacao heart opening practices
  • Daily yoga with a guest teacher
  • Sound healing and breathwork with a Guest teacher
  • Releasing fire ceremony
  • Sauna and Ice bath (on day 3)
  • Guided Dance experience with guest teacher
  • 2 x follow-up online group coaching sessions to integrate the retreat


  • Flights 
  • Airport Transfers
  • Massages and private treatments